Friday, April 3, 2009


My whole family is down and out with what may just be the flu.  Fevers, aches, chills, coughs.  Misery.

One of the joys of being a mom, and one who nurses past a year at that, is that you just don't have time to be sick.  No matter how shitty you feel, there is always someone else to take care of (and nurse).

As if taking care of the kids wasn't bad enough, the hubs is sick too.  Men are always sicker than you and NEED to nap and get away from the kids.  Fine.

I made dinner despite feeling like ass last night.

I went to wal*mart (not my favorite place, but close and cheap) and got a rotisserie chicken.  I proceeded to de-meat the carcass, then I put the bones in the fridge for soup today.  I took the meat, carrots, celery, onion and peas and made a quick and easy pot pie.

It was delish and really hit the spot.

Go check Sarah's blog for an awesome granola givaway!